Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits

  1. Friedman's main points are that businesses should not be the ones that have to worry about social issues. They exist for the purpose of making money and when they worry about social issues then they tend to do the opposite. He also believes that social responsibility falls upon the individual, if they want to devote their time and resources to social issues, then that's their prerogative, but they shouldn't use the resources of their company and shareholders to accomplish that.
  2. Some of the cultural values that are most important to Friedman are individualism, hierarchy, monochronic time, a median between meritocracy and ascription, a median between activity and people, tradition, a median between formality and informality, personal efficacy, and directness.
  3. I am able to see a conflict between business and social responsibility. Attaching to any social issue has the capability to alienate some customers and employees of businesses from the company due to disagreeing beliefs. On the other hand though it could possible endear more customers who like the decision. But I believe that the best decision for businesses would be to focus on profit and not on fixing social issues, if they focus more on profit they can pay employees more who can decide what to do with their social consciousness. 

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